Want to talk about it?

Our “services”

In quotes because they are all free!

Monthly Community Chats

As the community grows, I assume that we can all use a group meeting or that we would benefit from chatting and sharing our findings. I will offer monthly meetings that we can join and chat in for however long we feel.

Come! We want to meet you.

Hack Lists

My wife and I have done a ton of research into different ways to combat cancer. All the products that I’ve used and have worked, I will share with you. In return, please use the links that are attached to this site if/when you buy, as I do get a small return from each purchase!


I will send out a monthly newsletter- this content may change as the CancerHacks grows or as we create a community, but you can count on me once a month with (hopefully) a new hack! Or at the very least a moving story.


You got it, I will pray for each and every one of you! Shoot me a note and I will be happy to pray on your behalf.

Irrespective of your beliefs, I will pray.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.