October 2024

I had my regularly scheduled blood test on 10/24, and I am blessed to say that it went well. My PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), which is my cancer marker, continues to hold steady.  My PSA is "undetectable" and remains at 0.03, praise Jesus!  All my other numbers were "green" for the first time since I started treatment.  Again, praise Jesus!

I remain blessed and thankful.  I know they have diagnosed me as terminal, but God is bigger than a diagnosis and I know that you all are praying for me, and I can't tell you how much that means to me/us.  Buying time is good and I am thankful.

I remain on a medical leave of absence, standing and sitting continue to be my biggest problems along with crazy, embarrassing sweating.  They told me that killing my testosterone could give me "socially unacceptable" sweating, I have that day and night and it's horrendous.  My energy is good some days but other days it is debilitating where I can't move - for those that know me, you know how frustrating that is for me. 

My pain remains in my pelvis and my spine. The pelvis has been my most consistent pain though now the lower third of my spine regularly feels like I got hit with a baseball bat.

My oncologist shared some treatment options for the pain and for the sweating but at this point I am going to hold off. I am hesitant to change anything in my treatment plan right now and I am also opposed to adding a new, long list of side effects to my situation.

Anyway, thank you all for the prayers!  I appreciate those who reach out and I am thankful that I get to spend time with many of you.  Hopefully you only see me on this site every 3 months as that means I am continuing to buy time and that Nubeqa is still working. 

I love you all!  
Jason (and Heater!) 


Oct 1, 2024 - unscheduled update